Valentine Festivities
Red and Pink days will be on the 6th and 12th of February. Kids are encouraged to wear their Valentines shirts, red or pink. We will have a pizza party on these days. If you wish to participate, please send in $4
Our Valentine parties are on the 13th and 14th. We will be having our annual Snowball dance. Children are encouraged to dress in nice clothes for this formal event. If you would like to bring in a snack for this, not messy, please let us know. Children should bring in Valentines to pass out to their classmates, without names. Both MWF and TTH needs 24 cards/treats.
Our themes for the month will be 100 days of school. Valentines and Numbers.
Country: Italy
The letter of the week:
February 3rd-7th Oo
February 10th-14th Review
February 17th-21st NO SCHOOL
February 24th-28th Pp
Registration will open to the public on the 5th of the month. If you have not yet registered and plan to, please do ASAP.
100 Days of School
Our 100 Day of school celebrations will be on March 3rd and 4th. The children have homework, and a lollipop attached. They will color a circle each time they take a lick. Hopefully the lollipops will last them 100 licks. Homework is due back on the 28th. Each child should bring in 100 items to mix together in a big Chex Mix. Chocolate chips, pretzels, mini marshmallows, etc.
Dates to Remember
February 11th NO SCHOOL Hearing & Vision
February 6th & 12th Red and Pink Day Pizza party
February 13th & 14th Valentine's Day Parties
February 17th-21st Midwinter Break
March 3rd & 4th 100 Day Parties
March 24th-28th Spring Break No school
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