School Calendar
September 9th & 10th First Day of School
October 7th & 8th Blake's Field Trip
17985 Armada Center Road Armada, MI 48005
October 30th & 31st Half day’s class dismissed at 12:00
November 1st Conferences, No Class
November 5th No school Election Day
November 27th - 29th Thanksgiving Break
Christmas Party: Painting with a Twist December 18th & 19th
December 23rd - January 3rd Christmas Break-No-classes
Class Resumes January 6th
January 20th No school Martin Luther King Day
January 21st Hearing and eye testing No class
February 17th – 21st Winter Break-No classes
Class resumes February 24th
March 24th – 28th Spring Break-No classes
Class resumes March 31st
No School April 18th Good Friday April 21st & 22nd
Conferences, No school
May Field Trip TBA
May 23rd & 26th Memorial Day-No class
June 9th & 10th Last day of school Party
Graduation June 11th
Dates may change as we follow Utica Community School for all major holidays and snow days.
*Dates may change as we follow Utica Community Schools for all major holidays and snow days.